The Year of Doing

Last year was rough for me.

In this age of online business owners and social media fakery, there are few people who admit this kind of thing publicly.

Or, if they do, it’s to show the “before” and now they can talk about how amazing things are now.

Transparency has always been important to me, and I’m going to continue to share what it’s really like in my journey.

So last year sucked

I could blame it on being a Year 4 in numerology, but the more I work with energy, numerology, and frankly all systems, I’m finding myself leaning more into the general idea/spirit of things vs being rigid, and in this case, blaming the energy.

It was also my 4th year of business #synchronicity…but I’m digressing.

I spent a lot of time the first few years trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Which led to a figuring out who I am. Throw in a spiritual awakening + physical healing from chronic illness, and it was a lot for me. A lot of unlearning and relearning.

So by the time I got to last year, I was understandably exhausted. Not that I recognized it.

I ended up hibernating…and overthinking.

I did a lot of thinking last year. Spent so much time in my head. Trying to “figure things out” which = not doing. For someone who’s got Activator in their top 5 Strengths, it was a mess.

Often in the online world, we’re told to “be” instead of “do.” Cool. Hard to be when you’re kind of lost.

Yes, I was lost.

And it was a double-edged sword.

I knew I needed to experiment and take on more clients, to help me figure out how to define my coaching. But without knowing how to define it, I stayed quiet. Hidden. Lost.

By December, I was sick of it, and my own b.s.

I vowed to make this year different.

I refused to do that this year.

I started with mini-plans.

January was a ton of personal stuff and a freelance project.

February I picked one service, and committed to being focused and consistently talking about it. I made it most of the month.

Then, I had the opportunity to do my Reiki training.

Post-training, I had a few revelations - and for the record, these weren’t big, huge, lightning striking insights. They were super subtle thoughts. I mention because I sometimes get tripped up hearing about people who get downloads and messages, and it’s not like that for everyone.

This week, I realized what I was actually doing.

And that’s doing.

Trying things.


Not worrying about what it means, beyond the present.

Which looks like:

  • Offering Reiki fully as a service. Beta sessions are done. I’ve put it here, on IG, and on LI.

  • Offering Human Design sessions again.

  • Offering 1:1 coaching by request.

  • Completely bucking the ‘rules’ of Instagram and posting about all the things, and not worrying about what it does to the cohesiveness of my feed.

Doing + not worrying

Yup, that’s another thing I’m working on. Not worrying.

One of the things that came through to me during my Reiki training was how not in the ‘present’ I was being.

I think part of this started when I was in corporate. In that environment, you’re always focused on your next rotation (position). Everything is focused on that.

But I’ve been doing that in my entrepreneur journey, too.

Focused on the goals.

On reaching the next level.

The next milestone.

Fyi, it’s not super fun.

So instead, I’m spending time being in the present. In the moment.

Honestly? It’s kind of refreshing.

It’s started to eliminate a lot of the unconscious stress I’d been holding.

It’s not easy. I’m reminding myself to stay in the present at least once a day.

But, it’s getting easier.

So there you have it. My year of doing.

I can’t wait to see what’s next!




The Void