How I use Human Design - part 1

Jen's face: My Human Design. Type: Pure Generator. Strategy: wait to respond. Authority: Sacral. Profile: 5/1 Heretic Investigator. Read caption to learn how I use HD in my life and business

I started learning about #humandesign 2 years ago. I’d heard of it, but hadn’t really clicked with it.

That’s actually pretty common, especially if you start your learning by reading Ra Uru Hu. Nothing against him - he is the founder - more that the writing and explanation tends to be harder to process.

Once I found other teachers, who explained it in more layman’s terms, it started to click with me.

That’s when I really began to study it, implement it in my life, and then with my clients. I tend to be someone who learns via example, so today I wanted to share how I use HD in my everyday life and business.

Before I dive into my info, I want to share my overall philosophy when it comes to HD. I look at everything I learn, as a data point. If I find it helpful, great! If I find it doesn’t resonate, I file it away. I don’t force myself to act a certain way, or believe in something if it doesn’t resonate with me.

In general, I look at Human Design as a way to understand myself. It’s a system that offers guidelines, not mandatories.

So let’s jump into the components of my HD.


Typically, this the first thing you’ll learn. Type is about your Energy. That point doesn’t always get shared clearly. As a Generator, I can have unlimited energy for the things that light me up. There are two key pieces of that statement.

  1. I say '“can” have energy because for me, my energy is also tied to how I’m feeling physically. If I’m having a bad day physically, it doesn’t matter that I’m a Generator. You’ll find me resting instead.

  2. If something doesn’t light me up, I’m not going to have unlimited energy. This doesn’t mean I never do things that light me up. Let’s look at it from a business perspective. I hate doing my taxes, but I clearly do them. However, when it comes to my services, I currently only offer 1:1 work because the idea of doing a group program makes want to gag. It doesn’t light me up like 1:1 does.


This the way you make decisions. Most of us grow up learning to make decisions with our brains. In HD, this is the very last thing we should do.

I’m what’s called a Pure or Sacral Generator. I have Sacral Authority. This means that I make decisions with my Sacral center, or gut/intuition. When I make decisions, pretty much any time I take action, I go with what my gut says.

Some people with Sacral authority actually make sound when they do this. Mine tends to be a little more internal, although there have been times I find myself browsing in a store and unconsciously say “no” to things out loud. 🤣

More often for me, I actually feel the answer in my stomach. In the above example, if I think about doing a group program, it feels really restrictive to me. Almost like my stomach is hitting a wall…and yes, I know how bizarro that sounds.


Honestly, this one trips people up the most - myself included. The best example I can give for mine - wait to respond - is that I can’t force things. If I’m stuck on something, the worst thing I can do is try and force an answer. Instead, I do better by taking a break, and waiting for something to show up that helps me decide.

  • Note: one of the ways for a Generator to make decisions, is to be asked “yes” or “no” questions. The moment they are asked a questions, they are given something to “respond to.” You can ask these questions of yourself, or have someone else ask them of you.


This is my absolute FAVORITE part of Human Design. Think of profile like elements of personality. Or, as I read once, it’s the character you are in a story. Profiles do so much more than that, though.

According to Robin Winn, “The profiles give us information about our learning styles, and how we interact with the world. They give us clarity as we evolve into our potential. They offer pragmatic support on our journey.”

My profile was one of the first things I was able to understand and integrate into my life. I’m a 5/1 - Heretic (line 5) / Investigator (line 1).

Most people will identify with (or be conscious of) their first number, and their second number is more unconscious. I did not. Part of my career included doing research and insights work. So I was very conscious of my Line 1, and not at all aware of my Line 5.

However, when I learned that as a 5, I was meant to go in and fix things, and then get out, I had a huge click. It explained to me why I’ve always hated being on a board of directors. I’m always excited at first, to go in and help, and then the longer I’m on the board, the more annoyed I get. It was so freeing to understand why that happened. Now that I know this, if I’m asked to be on one in the future I’ll either offer to consult for a short time, or I’ll just say no.

My Line 1, explains why I often go down the rabbit hole on things.

1s absolutely love to learn and research the things they’re interested in. Key note: what they are interested in. If they aren’t interested, good luck.

Right now, I’m loving to research and learn about spiritual tools - HD, #numerology, #astrology, #archetypes. A friend who’s also a 1, has been researching competitors for her new program. A 1’s research is personal to them.

Another tidbit I’ve learned about how to use my profile is this: when I’m feeling stuck, sometimes it can be that I don’t have enough information to make a decisions. So I can use my Line 1, and do some research. There have been occasions where I’ll feel stuck in my business, so I’ve taken a day off and read a business book. Boom! I got unstuck, or at least less stuck, by the end of the day.

This is the end of part one. Once I feel inspired to write more, I’ll come back for part two.

As always, reach out if you have any questions!


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