From the blog

Jen Fieldman Jen Fieldman


A call out to anyone going through a Spiritual Awakening, and how I felt when I started mine.

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Fear or Faith

It’s a choice…

The advice was that I could choose to look at this from fear - the “omg! I’ve got it wrong and should be doing marketing” - or from faith - “this is showing up as a way for me to be paid while I’m creating this new program.”

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Are your payment plans inclusive?

To be honest, when I started offering payment plans, I didn’t put a ton of thought into it. Give a ‘discount’ to someone who can pay in full, by making it cheaper.

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Your Rules

If you've been here for a bit, you'll notice that I talk about "your rules," "doing things YOUR way", and sometimes "on your terms."

So what exactly does "your rules" mean? And what if you don't know what your way actually is? Well, grab your ☕ and let me explain.

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The Definition of Insanity

…is to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.

I’m pretty sure my spirit guides and the Universe have been feeling insane for the past few months.

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