Are you energetically ‘closed for business?’

My friend, Kelly, first told me about the phrase “energetically closed for business.” Her coach had used that phrase, and when I heard it, it resonated with me.

It also hit me in the feels because…damn, I do that.

And it’s not unique to Kelly or to me. It happens to a lot of us, and not necessarily for the same reason.

Sometimes it’s:

  • Burnout - physical, mental, emotional

  • Swirl - usually either right before or right after a breakthrough.

  • Personal life - one of the times this happened was when I lost my pup, Gracie Lou

  • Health - this probably isn’t talked about enough. I’ve experienced this with my own chronic illness, and witnessed it with some of my friends/clients going through pregnancy and motherhood

Not gonna lie, it can be maddening when this happens. We can be doing all the right things, and it still happens.

So what can you do when you’re feeling energetically closed for business? Here are some things that have helped me:

  1. Recognize it’s happening. Knowing what’s going on (aka awareness) helps me approach it more objectively; I’m able to look at it more matter of factly and remove my emotion from it.

  2. After I recognize it, I ask myself why I think it’s happening, or what I think is causing it. I do this a few different ways. Finding a quiet space to think, meditating, journaling, phoning a friend and talking it through. I’ve even found that a nap helps. It lets my mind quiet down and then I get an insight pretty quickly.

  3. Once I’ve recognized what’s going on and why, then I can decide how I want to address it. This doesn’t mean that your action has to be active. Just acknowledging what’s happening, and being ok with it, is action enough. You don’t have to tackle it just because you recognize what’s happening. A lot of times, resting is action enough. When you feel like you’re in a better space, you can reevaluate.

    1. It’s like when I start itching for no reason, and then remember I ate a lot of wheat. I know what’s going on and why, so I can take action. Sometimes that’s not eating anymore wheat, and sometimes it’s just taking a Benedryl 😉

    The most important thing to remember when this happens, is that it’s super normal. Just because we run businesses doesn’t mean we have to be “open” all the time.


What if it’s not just you?


Roots, Reflection, and Recognition